Adwords Dominator Launches
Adwords Dominator launched at 10:00 am EST today, Monday
21st November 2005. Mark the date well, because today
history was made.
It's the world's first fully loaded desktop AdWords management
tool using the AdWords API to access your account data.
And it's just the beginning.
21st November 2005. Mark the date well, because today
history was made.
It's the world's first fully loaded desktop AdWords management
tool using the AdWords API to access your account data.
And it's just the beginning.
At 4:34 PM,
Terry Whalen said…
I'm w/ David - I know I'm going to love this software - my friend is already using it and loving it.
But, the software says my API key is incorrect.
"The given API token header is invalid"
I need help!
At 6:03 PM,
Terry Whalen said…
adwords made me get my API key using my MCC umbrella account login, which has 2 child accounts that I actively manage. Can I use the one API key to manage both accounts?
I have tried to use various logins and API keys, and the software says that they are correct, but then i see no data! Pls advise, thanks!
At 7:46 PM,
Judy said…
Same here...can't log in.
I get a communications error
-11004, I think it was.
Thanks for your help!
NextDay Copy, LLC
"Wake Up Your Sales!"
At 12:22 PM,
Chris Lee said…
It seems the main support issue we are having so far with API's is people not using the AdWords API, but the Google general API.
version 1 is single account - not MCC- we are working to release multiple account capability on one control panel early 2006.
At 4:24 PM,
Terry Whalen said…
Goran was very helpful in getting me up and running with the correct API keys. Kudos.
Sadly, Dominator does not help with one of the most crucial but time-consuming tasks faced by AdWords users: creating new ad groups and new ads.
Power AdWords users are always targeting keywords in current ad groups, and moving those keywords to their own ad groups. Users clearly want to include ads that were running in the old ad group, and get them (along with other ads to test) in the new ad groups. Dominator does not help in this regard. The ad text auto-fill feature does not help, either, as it auto-fills with the last ad accessed, which might have nothing to do with the current ad group you are working in (or the current campaign you are working in). I am very hopeful that Goran will work on this in the future. : )
[Key to this would be to have the ability to paste ads into ad groups all at once, instead of having to paste or enter them line-by-line, as we have to do in AdWords itself. This is what takes so much time!]
At 9:37 AM,
Josh said…
A few feature suggestions in no particular order:
1) Ability to edit negative keywords at the campaign level
2) Built in ability to use the Adwords Traffic Estimator Tool
3) Use an MCC account for all clients
4) When you upload an ad and it doesn't go through, I should be able to click on the ad and edit it to meet the adwords requirements without having to go find the ad in one of my ad groups.
5) Why can't I graph conversion data (conversion/cost per conversion/ conversion rate) ?
6) Why can't I do a search to find which ad has received at least 30 clicks? (makes it easier to find out which ads to replace for split testing)
7) For each ad, why isn't all the click data stored and made easily viewable, so when I split test a new ad I can go back and say "oh, the last ad that lost in the split test received 43 clicks and a CTR of .4.. right now you have to store it in the notes..
8) When graphing and comparing 2 things, like CTR and Cost, why can't I map CTR as a Secondary (you can do this in Excel, it basically graphs 1 line and then the second one is overlaid).
9) All in all, fantastic version1 release, very impressive.. keep it up.
At 9:51 PM,
Chris Lee said…
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your comments.
One of our main support issues has been people using the Google API and not the AdWords API - and confusion over which emails to use to access data.
I have prepared some FAQ's on these topics which I will post here.
The other big area for further work is multiple accounts:
At the moment, Version 1 only supports just one account. We are working hard on multiple account capability - particularly for AdWords Professionals. I don't want to put a time on release, but can assure everyone that we will
go as fast as we can.
Terry: We have taken note of your comments, and thanks for taking the trouble to post them.
Likewise Josh - thank you for taking the trouble to write and we will review all your comments in the context of our existing development priorities.
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